
Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does the app work?
    Please see the Senode help page.
  • How can I back up my data?
    Please use iTunes File Sharing to back up your patches.
  • The application crashed, how can I help to improve it?
    Please download a crash log from your device and send it to info(at) – thanks!
  • The application freezes at startup, what can I do?
    Please try to reset your app settings using the following procedure:
    1. Back up your patches via iTunes File Sharing
    2. Delete the app: Settings – General – iPad storage – Senode – Delete App
    3. Reinstall Senode from the App Store
    If that doesn't help, please contact info(at)
  • Who is working behind the app?
    Senode is developed by Sebastian Arnold, drummer and software developer.
  • Will you make Senode available on platform X?
    Currently, Senode is available for iPad/iOS only. There are slight chances that Senode will be released in the future on macOS, Android, Linux and Windows, in that order.
  • Will Senode support interfaces X / plugin format Y?
    Currently, Senode is a standalone app and AUv3 on iOS. I received a lot of feedback from users who wish other interfaces. I am working to support VST3 on Linux, Windows and macOS in the future.
  • Will Senode support MIDI bindings, e.g. from drum triggers?
    MIDI bindings are supported since version 1.0.3
  • Will Senode support Ableton Link?
    Ableton Link is supported since version 1.1.0
  • Will Senode be available as AUv3 plugin?
    The Senode MIDI AUv3 plugin is available as an in-app purchase since version 1.3.0. You can unlock the plugin in the info screen of the standalone app – just tap the senode logo.

Support Contact

If you have other questions, please send us an email: info(at)

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